"Point of No Return"

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"No. No, this report is totally inappropriate. You have to do it again."
"But Londo, why? I've spent weeks working on this report. I didn't even sleep on the flight back from Minbar so I could go over it again. I've checked every single detail myself. It's absolutely accurate."
"Yes, Vir, I'm sure it is. And that is the problem. Here, you say: 'The Minbari have carefully preserved their cities over the course of centuries'."
"That's right, absolutely."
"No, what you should say instead is: 'Their cities are very old indicating a decaying culture.'"
"And here: 'The Minbari put great emphasis on art, literature and music.' Say instead: 'They are decadent people, interested only in the pursuit of .. of dubious pleasures.' Dubious-part is very important. It doesn't mean anything, but it scares people every time. All right?"
	-- Londo and Vir in Babylon 5:"Point of No Return"
"I thought the purpose of filing these reports was to provide accurate intelligence."
"Vir, intelligence has nothing to do with politics."
	-- Vir and Londo in Babylon 5:"Point of No Return"
"Here, 'They are tolerant of differences among other cultures.'"
"No, make that: 'They have no well-defined sense of morality.' They'll love that back home."
	-- Londo and Vir in Babylon 5:"Point of No Return"
"'Everything's gone to hell, John. God help us all. You're on your own.'"
	-- Gen. Hague's message to Sheridan in Babylon 5:"Point of No Return"
"Emergency evac pod access way."
	-- Sign outside C&C in Babylon 5:"Point of No Return"
"Captain, how did this happen? What did we do wrong?"
"I don't know, Lieutenant. I don't know."
	-- Lt. Corwin and Sheridan in Babylon 5:"Point of No Return"
"I might have something for you in a little while, Mr. Garibaldi. When the time is right."
	-- G'Kar to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"Point of No Return"
"I need to know if the grand destiny I see before me is what is, or what might be."
"So you want her to tell you it's all going to happen the way you see it?"
"No, I want her to tell me it won't."
	-- Londo and Vir in Babylon 5:"Point of No Return"
"I believe that I have been touched. That I am meant for something greater. A greater darkness or a greater good, I can no longer say. All I have ever wanted is to serve our people. I need to see what is before me. If I should escape it, or embrace it. If there is any longer a choice."
"There is always choice. We say there is no choice only to comfort ourselves with the decision we have already made. If you understand that, there's hope. If not .."
	-- Londo and Lady Morella in Babylon 5:"Point of No Return"
"You must understand, Ta'Lon, I have had a revelation."
"What kind of revelation?"
"Most profound and substantial one, Ta'Lon. The kind of revelation that transforms your mind, .. your soul, .. your heart, .. even your flesh. So that you are a new creature. We born in the instant of understanding."
	-- G'Kar and Ta'Lon in Babylon 5:"Point of No Return"
"What do you understand now that you did not understand before?"
"It's all here, in these pages. I have tried to write down what I have seen. It may take the rest of my life to explain what I saw in that one singular instant. To save our people, we must sacrifice our people, sacrifice ourselves, pride our vengeance, be willing to die by the thousands, by the millions. For one another. The more we fight for ourselves, the more we will lose ourselves. We are linked, Ta'Lon. Our fate is like an image caught in a mirror. If we deny the other, we deny ourselves. And we will cease to exist."
"And who or what is this 'other'?"
"The universe itself, Ta'Lon. But the Humans, they are the key. And together, you and I, and the rest, we will turn that key. Because on the other side, there's salvation for all of us."
	-- Ta'Lon and G'Kar in Babylon 5:"Point of No Return"
"G'Kar, what are you doing here?"
"[whispering] Saving all of us. I've had .. an idea."
	-- Ivanova and G'Kar in Babylon 5:"Point of No Return"
"Always plant a lie inside a truth, makes it easier to swallow."
	-- Sheridan in Babylon 5:"Point of No Return"
"You have a chance few others will ever have, Mollari. You still have three opportunities to avoid the fire that waits for you at the end of your journey. You've already wasted two others. You must save the eye that does not see. You must not kill the one who is already dead. And at the last, you must surrender yourself to your greatest fear, knowing that it will destroy you. Now, if you fail all the others, that is your final chance for redemption."
"I .. don't understand."
"The future reveals itself only reluctantly, Ambassador. Take the sign for what it is. Look for it when it appears."
"I will, thank you."
	-- Lady Morella and Londo in Babylon 5:"Point of No Return"
"One more thing. You will be Emperor. That part of your destiny can not be avoided."
"I see."
"[to Vir] You will also be Emperor."
	-- Lady Morella and Londo in Babylon 5:"Point of No Return"
"Lady Morella, please. We can not both be Emperor."
"Correct. One of you will become Emperor .. after the other is dead. That is all we see and all we wish to see."
	-- Londo and Lady Morella in Babylon 5:"Point of No Return"
"I have time. All the time in the world. Do you?"
	-- G'Kar to Sheridan in Babylon 5:"Point of No Return"
"I never thought it would end like this."
	-- Ivanova to Sheridan in Babylon 5:"Point of No Return"

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