"The Wheel of Fire"

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"Well, maybe Emperor Mollari will have more of a chance at happiness than Ambassador Mollari ever did."
"I doubt it."
	-- Lochley and G'Kar in Babylon 5:"The Wheel of Fire"
"I'm not angry with you. Not now. I was. .. But Delenn has a .. way of looking at things.. No. No, I'm not angry with you. But I am very disappointed, Michael."
"I'd rather have you yelling at me or angry. Anything but disappointed. I know I failed.."
"I didn't say I was disappointed in you because of your failure. I'm disappointed because I didn't pick up on this earlier. Disappointed because you felt that you couldn't come to me about this on your own. When Stephen had his problem a couple of years ago, I didn't step forward and offer my help when I should have. And he damn near died trying to deal with his problem on his own. I have made a lot of mistakes, same as everybody else. But I try not to make the same mistake twice."
	-- Sheridan and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"The Wheel of Fire"
"You have to understand that your problem is not between you and me, you and your job, or any of that. Your problem is between you .. and you."
	-- Sheridan to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"The Wheel of Fire"
"Well, apparently your people believe that your presence on Centauri Prime allowed them to attack without retribution. You came through it alive, which they're considering another not-so-minor miracle, and you don't want the power. People love giving power to those they believe don't want it."
	-- Franklin to G'Kar in Babylon 5:"The Wheel of Fire"
"I've never understood that. Why does the universe give us puzzles with no answers?"
"Pay back, maybe?"
	-- G'Kar and Franklin in Babylon 5:"The Wheel of Fire"
"See, the drinking gives a control freak like you permission to let it go, to be angry, to lash out, to lose it."
	-- Lochley to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"The Wheel of Fire"
"He stopped painting the day he enlisted. But he wanted to paint. He was good at it. And it was killing him not to .. one drink at a time. He didn't see any way out of his life, any way to change it. But the door's always there, Michael. You just have to open it."
	-- Lochley to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"The Wheel of Fire"
"I'm tired of being pushed around, Captain. I do not choose to be arrested. I've done a lot for this place .. and just once I think a little gratitude would be in order, don't you?"
"Lyta, don't force us to--"
"To what?"
	-- Lyta and Lochley in Babylon 5:"The Wheel of Fire"
"You cannot harm me. You cannot stop someone who's been touched by Vorlons."
"You're not the only one that's been touched by the Vorlons."
	-- Lyta and Sheridan in Babylon 5:"The Wheel of Fire"
"What .. part of my message did you get? We've been having trouble with the com system, see, and--"
"The most important part. The part that said: 'I need you.'"
"And you came here just on that?"
"What more is there?"
	-- Garibaldi and Lise in Babylon 5:"The Wheel of Fire"
"What could make her turn like this?"
"Well, let's see. She was, .. adjusted by the Vorlons, dumped by the Vorlons, used as a weapon. Quit the Corps. Lost the only man she ever loved and dedicated herself to finishing his work. Pick one or all of the above. Let's face it, she's pissed."
	-- Sheridan and Franklin in Babylon 5:"The Wheel of Fire"
"No, there's something more going on here. Something that pushed her over the edge. I mean, first Londo, then Garibaldi, and now this. I tell you, the next person who acts irrationally, I swear I'm gonna shoot myself in the head."
	-- Sheridan in Babylon 5:"The Wheel of Fire"
"Well, then you may as well give up, because nobody gets it 100% right."
"I just want to give you a normal life."
"There is no 'normal life', Michael. There's just life."
	-- Lise and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"The Wheel of Fire"
"Look, you have to understand she's a Minbari-Human hybrid. Things aren't gonna work the same."
"Wait. What are you talking about? What is wrong with her?"
"She's pregnant."
	-- Franklin and Sheridan in Babylon 5:"The Wheel of Fire"
"This is how I've come to be seen by my people. Despite my best efforts, I've become an icon. I didn't understand why or how until I saw this. I realized it's simpler to make a statue to someone who you believe embodies all your better qualities than it is to actually improve yourself."
"And this saves you from having to think."
"Exactly. For the last year, I've tried to point my people toward the simple truth that we are one, regardless of race. Somehow, that message has gotten twisted so that I have become their idea of the truth personified. Once you turn into this, you can no longer be who you are. You can only be what they want you to be, what they .. expect you to be."
	-- G'Kar and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"The Wheel of Fire"
"Life is change. It's a good thing."
	-- Lise to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"The Wheel of Fire"
"I'll check back with you after two years. If you've done as I ask, if you've created a force I can use against the Corps .. I'll take out that neural block. Then you can deal with Bester. I'll deal with the Corps. We both get what we want."
	-- Lyta to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"The Wheel of Fire"
"Something's happened to your abilities. You're not a P5 anymore. Hell, you're not even a P12. You're the strongest telepath that I've ever seen. What did the Vorlons do to you, Lyta? Who .. what are you?"
"I've only recently begun to understand it myself. You know the Vorlons used telepaths as weapons during the Shadow War, but what no one stopped to consider was that in a war, you have a certain number of small weapons, a certain number of medium-sized weapons .. and one or two big ones .. the kind of weapons you drop when you're .. out of the small weapons and the medium weapons and you've got nothing left to use."
"Someone like that would .. be the telepathic equivalent of a thermonuclear .. device, a .. a doomsday weapon."
"Pleased to meet you, Mr. Garibaldi."
	-- Garibaldi and Lyta in Babylon 5:"The Wheel of Fire"
"Stop staring at me."
"I'm sorry. I couldn't help it."
"One would think you have never seen a pregnant half-human half-minbari before."
	-- Delenn and Sheridan in Babylon 5:"The Wheel of Fire"

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Compiled by a1bert@iki.fi
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