"And Now For a Word"

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"In the process of putting this report together, it didn't take us long to learn the most important rule of survival aboard Babylon 5: 'Expect the unexpected.'"
	-- Cynthia Torqueman in Babylon 5:"And Now For a Word"
"36 Hours, sponsored by Interplanetary Expeditions -- Exploring the past to create a better future."
	-- Voiceover in Babylon 5:"And Now For a Word"
"We are already in far greater jeopardy than you can possibly imagine."
	-- G'Kar to Cynthia Torqueman in Babylon 5:"And Now For a Word"
"Overall I've found this to be a good working environment and a valuable experience. I've learned a lot while I've been here."
"And you have never felt that your safety was compromised?"
"No, Ma'm."
"So, this has been a positive experience for you. You enjoy working with everyone?"
"Yes. It's a calm, pleasant environment. I don't think I have ever seen anyone get upset here."
	-- Lt. Corwin and Cynthia Torqueman in Babylon 5:"And Now For a Word"
"I guess it's the old joke. You don't have to be crazy to work here, but it helps. I suppose there is a .. certain attraction to being out here on the edge like this, a new frontier."
	-- Sheridan in Babylon 5:"And Now For a Word"
"Babylon 5 has been through some dramatic changes in administration since it became operational. Would you attribute these changes to .. bad management? Or to quote former Senator Hidoshi, 'Is this horse just too big for anybody to ride?'"
"Changes are part of the military life. Everybody goes into this knowing that tomorrow you could be someplace that you hadn't even heard of 24 hours ago."
	-- Cynthia Torqueman and Sheridan in Babylon 5:"And Now For a Word"
"He must have hit the wrong button because the air doors slammed shut, the space doors opened, and he .. just flew out into space. And the one thing they never tell you is that you don't die instantly in vacuum. He just hung there against the black like a puppet with his strings all tangled up.. or one of those old cartoons where you run off the edge of the cliff and your legs keep going. You could see that he was trying to breathe, but there was nothing. The one thing I remember when they pulled in his body.. his eyes were frozen. A lot of people make jokes about spacing somebody, about shoving somebody out an airlock. I don't think it's funny. Never will."
	-- Franklin to Cynthia Torqueman in Babylon 5:"And Now For a Word"
"According to figures released by the newly formed Office of Public Morale, President William Clark has risen to dramatic new levels of popularity because of his administration's emphasis on addressing the needs of earth."
	-- Cynthia Torqueman in Babylon 5:"And Now For a Word"
"Anytime you lose a war, you just .. you just wait a few years, and you'll hear from everyone who thought that we could've won if they had done the fighting."
"Except, of course, Captain, we didn't lose the war. The Minbari did surrender."
"Of course."
	-- Sheridan and Cynthia Torqueman in Babylon 5:"And Now For a Word"
"Every day I get up, and I hope nothing will happen. I'd love to be just bored out of my skull for 24 hours, and .. I guess I keep hoping that someday, somewhere I'll make a difference, that at the end of the day everything we've gone through here for the past few years will mean something."
	-- Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"And Now For a Word"
"I volunteered for this change in the hope that it would lead to a better understanding between our peoples."
"Over 1/4 of a million humans were killed in the war with your people. How do you think the families of those victims will feel about your .. change?"
"I, .. I don't know. I, . I would hope .."
"I think they would feel hurt .. betrayed .. that by assuming a human face, you are taking a part of us you're not entitled to. What would you say to them, to all the husbands and wives and children and brothers and sisters of the people who were killed in the war with your people and now see a Minbari with a human face?"
	-- Delenn and Cynthia Torqueman in Babylon 5:"And Now For a Word"
"An inspection of the destroyed Centauri has found conclusive proof that she was carrying fusion bombs and support equipment for ion cannons, mass drivers, and heavy-energy weapons."
	-- G'Kar in Babylon 5:"And Now For a Word"
"Roughly 150 of your years ago, the Centauri came to our world. Narn was a green and fertile place then. We greeted them in peace and spent the next 100 years in chains, but we never gave up hope. We formed a resistance, learned their secrets, turned their own machines against them, and finally drove them from our world."
	-- G'Kar in Babylon 5:"And Now For a Word"
"Why does any advanced civilization seek to destroy a less advanced one? Because the land is strategically valuable, because there are resources that can be cultivated and exploited, but most of all, simply because they can."
	-- G'Kar in Babylon 5:"And Now For a Word"
"Please. The Narn have rewritten history enough, don't you think? If they wanted us gone, we were hardly going to force the issue, but ever since, they have grown more and more irrational, have gone out of their way to harm us, to seize Centauri territory. Finally, we had to take a stand. They were the ones who declared war, remember. Not us. We want only peace."
	-- Londo to Cynthia Torqueman in Babylon 5:"And Now For a Word"
"You're right, Johnny. You know, there are a lot of other kids who feel just the same way you do. They're confused and afraid, but they don't have to be. The problem isn't that other kids don't like you, it's that they don't understand you, but we do. You're special. You're a latent telepath about to come into full bloom."
"My Johnny, a telepath?"
"Probably, but to be sure, take him down to the Psi-Corps testing centre first thing tomorrow."
"How do I find them?"
"We're everywhere, for your convenience."
	-- Psi Corps Advertisement in Babylon 5:"And Now For a Word"
"If you know someone who might be a telepath, or think you might be one yourself, help them get the help they need. Call the Corps."
"Call government information for more on a Psi-Corps center near you. This message has been brought to you by the Ministry for Public Information and your local Psi-Corps recruitment office."
	-- Psi Corps Advertisement in Babylon 5:"And Now For a Word"
"The Psi Corps is your friend. Trust the Corps."
	-- Psi Corps Advertisement in Babylon 5:"And Now For a Word"
"We learn. That's what humans do."
	-- Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"And Now For a Word"
"Of course it is, for the simple reason that no one else would've ever built a place like this. Humans share one unique quality. They build communities. If the Narns or the Centauri or any other race built a station like this, it would be used only by their own people, but everywhere humans go, they create communities out of diverse and sometimes hostile populations. It is a great gift and a terrible responsibility, one that cannot be abandoned."
	-- Delenn in Babylon 5:"And Now For a Word"
"The job of Babylon 5 is not to enforce the peace. It's to create the peace. And this place was built on the assumption that we could work out our problems and build a better future, and that, to me, is the key issue. See, in the last few years .. we've stumbled. We stumbled at the death of the president, the war, and on and on. And when you stumble a lot, you .. you start looking at your feet. We have to make people .. lift their eyes back to the horizon and see the line of ancestors behind us saying, 'Make my life have meaning.' And to our inheritors before us saying, 'Create the world we will live in.' I mean, we're not just holding jobs and having dinner. We are in the process of building the future. That's what Babylon 5 is all about. Only by making people understand that can we hope to create a better world for ourselves and our posterity."
	-- Sheridan in Babylon 5:"And Now For a Word"

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Compiled by a1bert@iki.fi
Babylon 5 characters & trademarks ©1996 by the PTEN Consortium