"Acts of Sacrifice"

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"G'Kar, everyone in this room knows too well that the first casualty of war is always the truth."
	-- Sheridan to G'Kar in Babylon 5:"Acts of Sacrifice"
"Do whatever you have to. Just get them to sign on."
"Will do. Thank you, sir."
	-- Sheridan and Ivanova in Babylon 5:"Acts of Sacrifice"
"The war is young, the Centauri are still in the process of committing their forces. Some in their government are unsure about the entire affair. They only need a reason not to fight. If the Minbari intervened, you could provide that reason. You could save hundreds of thousands of lives."
	-- G'Kar to Delenn in Babylon 5:"Acts of Sacrifice"
"You must know .. your actions in the recent past, the things you've said, make it difficult for anyone to come to your aid now."
"I know. But what else could I do?"
	-- Delenn and G'Kar in Babylon 5:"Acts of Sacrifice"
"I was there when our war against Earth begun, and our ship encountered an Earth vessel for the first time. Afraid of us, the unknown, they fired. I saw our leader die, I heard the cries for revenge, for blood, for death. In return we nearly exterminated an entire species. Our people are tired of war, G'Kar. You can not ask them to go through all that again."
	-- Delenn to G'Kar in Babylon 5:"Acts of Sacrifice"
"Transport 32A"
	-- Docking Elevator Designation in Babylon 5:"Acts of Sacrifice"
"Six months ago they were hardly aware of me. Now, suddenly everyone is my friend, everyone wants something. I wanted respect. Instead I've turned to a wishing-well with legs."
	-- Londo to Vir in Babylon 5:"Acts of Sacrifice"
"I do not understand. Why go through all this to save the lives of potentially inferior species? Evolution is driven by blood. The weak die, and the strong survive. By preserving the sick and wounded of other races you pollute the genetic pool. It does not serve evolution."
	-- Taq (for Correlilmurzon) in Babylon 5:"Acts of Sacrifice"
"I don't believe that any form of sentient life is inferior to any other."
"Yes, we often hear that argument from inferior species and their sympathizers."
	-- Franklin and Taq (Correlilmurzon) in Babylon 5:"Acts of Sacrifice"
"No, I don't want a receipt."
"Then what do you want?"
"I want you to stay! And have a little drink for me. I want you to be happy, I want me to be happy. I want you to be happy for me and me to be happy for you. Is that so much to ask around here? Why is everyone here walking around like they are afraid of me?"
"Maybe we are."
	-- Londo and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"Acts of Sacrifice"
"Most impressive."
"Excuse me?"
"We have isolated ourselves from inferior species but you.. you've shown the will and the strength to isolate the genetically inferior parts of your own species as an evolutionary protection."
"I don't think you understand. This wasn't intentional."
"You're too modest, you're too modest. It's a brilliant move, Commander."
	-- Taq (Correlilmurzon) and Ivanova in Babylon 5:"Acts of Sacrifice"
"Ambassador, I have learned the hard way that governments deal in matters of convenience, not conscience. If they fall behind, it is up to the rest of us to make up the difference. If we don't, who will?"
	-- Sheridan to Delenn in Babylon 5:"Acts of Sacrifice"
"I .. do not have the same resources I once had, Captain. But .. what I have is at your disposal."
	-- Delenn to Sheridan in Babylon 5:"Acts of Sacrifice"
"Well, you could put a bag over his head and do it for Babylon 5. .. Maybe not."
"I'm doomed."
"I could inject you with something, make you sick. After all, he doesn't know a thing about anybody's biology but his own. He'd probably fall for it."
"That's it!"
"I'll get a needle."
	-- Franklin and Ivanova in Babylon 5:"Acts of Sacrifice"
"Next time: My way."
	-- Note to Ivanova in Babylon 5:"Acts of Sacrifice"
"It is good to have friends, is it not, Mr. Garibaldi? Even if maybe .. only for a little while."
"Even if only for a little while."
	-- Londo and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"Acts of Sacrifice"

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