"Soul Mates"

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"It is a pleasure to meet you. It is a pleasure to meet you. It is a pleasure to meet you."
	-- Vir in Babylon 5:"Soul Mates"
"So, what's the problem?"
"I don't know. That's the problem."
	-- Sheridan and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"Soul Mates"
"What's he hiding, Vir? Tell me. I won't bite, Vir."
"With all due respect, Madam, that's not what I have heard."
"All right. That one time."
	-- Timov and Vir in Babylon 5:"Soul Mates"
"Believe me, Vir, if you knew her as I do, you wouldn't miss her a bit."
"Oh, Timov, Timov. Why do you always try to draw me into your little verbal fencing matches?"
"Because I don't have a real sword handy."
	-- Timov and Daggair in Babylon 5:"Soul Mates"
"Commander, I want you to understand. I aqcuired human characteristics to bring your people and mine closer together. To symbolise our mutuality. It is supposed to be a dignified and inspiring position for both Humans and Minbari. So, will you please explain to me why this.. this ..!"
"..refuses to co-operate!"
	-- Delenn and Ivanova in Babylon 5:"Soul Mates"
"I'm sorry. I guess I'm reading too much into it, but people seem to be implying that .. I shouldn't get too comfortable."
"Oh nonsense. It's not as if anyone expects you to, oh, vanish overnight under mysterious circumstances to a strange Minbari post. Why, that would be unprecedented in the station's history."
	-- Sheridan and G'kar in Babylon 5:"Soul Mates"
"The secret of our marriage's success, Londo, is our lack of communication. You've jeopardised that success and I would know why."
	-- Timov in Babylon 5:"Soul Mates"
"Petulant, isn't she? Oh well, breeding will tell."
"A bitch like you would know about breeding."
	-- Daggair and Timov in Babylon 5:"Soul Mates"
"And you are?"
"Garibaldi, head of security."
"Oh, so if I'm feeling insecure, hugging you will make me feel better."
	-- Matt Stoner and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"Soul Mates"
"Certification of my participation in an authorized archaeological dig. List of contents are there. You'll find this little item among them. It's all quite legitimate, officer. I can help you with the big words, if you're having trouble."
	-- Matt Stoner to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"Soul Mates"
"Would you like me to tell you all about her? Is that it? Would you like to hear where she likes to be touched?"
"Don't push it."
"The little noises she makes. Does she cry out or sigh softly?"
	-- Stoner and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"Soul Mates"
"If Talia Winters so much as breaths a word that you've been harassing her, you'll be spaced so fast you'll think you were born in a vacuum."
	-- Garibaldi to Stoner in Babylon 5:"Soul Mates"
"I'll be keeping an eye on you."
"Use both eyes. You'll need them."
	-- Garibaldi and Stoner in Babylon 5:"Soul Mates"
"You seriously expect me to become involved in your sexual olympics?"
"They are merely expressing their feelings for me."
"I can do that." [slaps Londo in the face]
"You haven't changed."
"You have. You've devolved."
	-- Timov and Londo in Babylon 5:"Soul Mates"
"Ahh! A deck of cards! From my dear friend Lennier."
"And I marked them exactly as you requested.."
	-- Londo and Lennier in Babylon 5:"Soul Mates"
"Hey, how about I call you an idiot in public and you can convict me for revealing state secrets."
	-- Stoner to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"Soul Mates"
"Are you okay? Londo, do you know where you are?"
"Either in Medlab, or in Hell. Either way, the decor needs work."
	-- Dr. Franklin and Londo in Babylon 5:"Soul Mates"
"Stick it!"
"How odd. I didn't even know we were married."
	-- Dr. Franklin and Londo in Babylon 5:"Soul Mates"
"You know, the problem with mysteries is that in order to get rid of the headaches I have to figure them out."
	-- G'Kar to Mariel in Babylon 5:"Soul Mates"
"I warn you, Mariel, do not be overconfident. If I were married to Londo Mollari I'd be concerned."
"G'kar, if you were married to Londo Mollari, we'd all be concerned."
	-- G'kar and Mariel in Babylon 5:"Soul Mates"
"Ladies, it's been a pleasure meeting you."
	-- Vir to Londo's wifes in Babylon 5:"Soul Mates"
"Commander. Susan. I wish to thank you again for your patience and understanding."
"No, not a problem."
"Taking on human characteristics has been something of an education for both of us."
"Well, if you've any other problems, any other questions at all, just ask."
"Well, now that you mention it. Do you have any idea why I suddenly started getting these .. odd cramps?"
	-- Delenn and Ivanova in Babylon 5:"Soul Mates"

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Compiled by a1bert@iki.fi
Babylon 5 characters & trademarks ©1996 by the PTEN Consortium