"A Voice in the Wilderness #2"

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"Like my granddad used to say: 'Nuke them until they glow and shoot them in the dark.' That'll take care of them, just like magic."
"Magic? Want to see magic? I've got a little magic trick for you."
	-- Mars Hater and Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"A Voice in the Wilderness #2"
"But it didn't work, did it? Because you can't get near the planet's surface without a properly encoded jamming device."
"What? Why wasn't I informed?"
"You didn't ask."
"Commander, I demand you turn over this jamming device at once."
"It's being repaired, but I'll see what I can do. Babylon Control out."
	-- Sinclair and Pierce in Babylon 5:"A Voice in the Wilderness #2"
"Commander, we didn't use a jamming device. We don't even have a jamming device."
"I know, but he doesn't know that."
	-- Ivanova and Sinclair in Babylon 5:"A Voice in the Wilderness #2"
"So, if we go down there, it blows. If we don't it blows anyway, just a little later. It's a good thing I'm russian, we're used to hopeless situations."
	-- Ivanova to Sinclair in Babylon 5:"A Voice in the Wilderness #2"
"You did find something down there, didn't you? Something valuable perhaps. I wish to remind you that my government has contributed substantial amounts of money to this station. We are entitled to an equal share of anything you find down there."
	-- Londo to Ivanova in Babylon 5:"A Voice in the Wilderness #2"
"Ambassador. Do you really want to know what's going on down there right now?"
"Yes, absolutely."
"Boom. Boom, boom, boom. Boom, boom. BOOM! Have a nice day."
	-- Ivanova and Londo in Babylon 5:"A Voice in the Wilderness #2"
"No. You. Help. Planet below. Do not land. Do not approach. Will explode. Destroy you .. all. Without the heart. Without another."
	-- Varn to Draal in Babylon 5:"A Voice in the Wilderness #2"
"Babylon 5 Public Archive: Earth English"
"Subject More Melancholy Uxorious"
"Hell Mutilate Suppose Erupt"
"Orak Forbin Nomad Skynet"
"Baby Elephant Zoom Chickpea"
"Humble Squeeze Impress Starchy"
"Human Metaphor Similar Larch"
"Sourdough Hardly McAuliffe Light"
"Assert Chocolate Special Rumor"
"Hole Upbeat Buzzards South"
"Gasket Sack Ironic Epoch"
"Gelding Apathy Uniform Religion"
"Rubber Easy Stringy Love"
"Each Compress Slip Canonical"
"Eye Inability Clothes Middle"
"Am Uterous Hold Cartridge"
"Knot Nod Receptive Copyright"
"A Stringer Ligate Caught"
"Number Complete Scrim Whalebone"
"Aye Mutilate Canon Webbed"
"Ama Respite Floor Cuprous"
"Free Prime Frank Scrim"
"Man Plaintiff Suspicious Aloud"
"Scribble Dichotomy Atom Trigger"
"Cricket Modify Unreal Fauna"
"Mallet Oscillate Jowl Obsession"
	-- B5 Public Archive in Babylon 5:"A Voice in the Wilderness #2"
[about Captain Ellis Pierce]
"Worst case of testosterone poisoning I have ever seen."
	-- Ivanova in Babylon 5:"A Voice in the Wilderness #2"
"No. Outcast. Violent. My people cast them out centuries ago. Signal was not meant for them. Was put here to hide from them. Given to me when the rest of my people died. Sacred trust, legacy for the future. I am guardian, protector. I live in the heart of the machine. We are one. 500 of your years have I waited in the machine."
	-- Varn to Sinclair in Babylon 5:"A Voice in the Wilderness #2"
"Please, you must stop them. Do not let them take the machine. It's not for them. It's not for this time."
	-- Varn to Sinclair in Babylon 5:"A Voice in the Wilderness #2"
"You know what Varn meant by 'another', don't you?"
"Yes. Varn could not ask it, could not say the words. But it was in his eyes. He's probably forbidden to ask directly. But the answer is there if you had ears to hear it."
	-- Delenn and Draal in Babylon 5:"A Voice in the Wilderness #2"
"Now, landing thrusters.. landing thrusters, hmm. Now if I were a landing thruster, which one of these would I be?"
	-- Londo in Babylon 5:"A Voice in the Wilderness #2"
"There is no other way. Please believe me. All my life I've searched for a way to serve others. To me there is no higher calling, no greater destiny than to live for another, and if necessary, to die for another. To somehow make the world a better place. I've done all I could on my world. I came looking for a reason, a way to live out my remaining years with direction and purpose. Here I've found it. I will save lives."
	-- Draal to Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"A Voice in the Wilderness #2"
"I am sending this message to all three parties involved in the struggle for the control of this planet. It belongs to none of you. It belongs only to itself .. and to the future. Commander Sinclair, the secrets buried here must remain secrets. They would give any race an advantage over all others, thus it is in the interest of all races that none should gain exclusive control of it. We entrust the safekeeping of this place to the Babylon 5 Advisory Council. We will rely upon your guidance, Commander, and the enlightened self-interest of the Council to make sure that this world is left alone until the time is right."
	-- Draal in Babylon 5:"A Voice in the Wilderness #2"
"The third principle of sentient life is it's capacity for self-sacrifice. For a cause, a loved one, for a friend."
	-- Delenn to Draal in Babylon 5:"A Voice in the Wilderness #2"
"Why didn't you come to us, and let us handle it?"
"Because if I had, I know in my heart that Commander Sinclair would be the one down there right now. He's looking for a purpose. But his destiny lies elsewhere."
	-- Garibaldi and Delenn in Babylon 5:"A Voice in the Wilderness #2"
"Franz? What the hell kind of a name is Franz?"
	-- Garibaldi in Babylon 5:"A Voice in the Wilderness #2"

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Compiled by a1bert@iki.fi
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