"War Without End #2"

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"There's the legacy of your war. The price we paid, when you abandoned us to the enemies you escaped from."
"But this couldn't happen, not in this amount of time. What year is this?"
"This is the last year, and the last day, and the last hour of your life. Seventeen years since you began your great crusade. Seventeen!"
	-- Londo and Sheridan in Babylon 5:"War Without End #2"
"Sheridan. Make your peace with whatever gods you worship. You will meet them next time I send for you. I can't recall my world from what it has become, but I can thank you, properly, for your role in it."
	-- Londo to Sheridan in Babylon 5:"War Without End #2"
"We need to find an access panel. Usually they're sealed up once the station goes operational, but this place just went online, so with any luck, there should be a couple still open."
"Sorry, don't believe in luck."
"Well, luck is about the only thing we've got on our side right now. Sure as hell we don't have much of anything else."
	-- Ivanova and Marcus in Babylon 5:"War Without End #2"
"Great move, how did you know they were coming?"
"Didn't. But right now would be the worst time to be discovered, so it was logical it happened now. Like I said, I don't believe in luck. .. Well, on the other hand.."
	-- Ivanova and Marcus in Babylon 5:"War Without End #2"
"Carry this, Zathras. Fix this, Zathras. Poor Zathras, no one listen .. to Zathras, but no one.."
	-- Zathras in Babylon 5:"War Without End #2"
"What is it?"
"I'm not sure, it was the strangest feeling. I think the way you describe it is .. as if someone had just walked over my grave."
	-- Sinclair and Delenn in Babylon 5:"War Without End #2"
"From what Londo said, I get the impression that we won the war. But not completely."
"The war is never completely won. There are always new battles to be fought against the darkness. Only the names change. But we, we achieved everything we set out to achieve. We created something that will endure for a thousand years. But the price, John, the terrible, terrible price."
	-- Sheridan and Delenn in Babylon 5:"War Without End #2"
"No, this future can only be changed by surrendering to the Shadows. And that price is too high to pay."
	-- Delenn to Sheridan in Babylon 5:"War Without End #2"
"You will excuse me if I do not stand. I have had considerable to drink. It is .. the only way that we can be alone. We do not wish to wake it."
"Wake what?"
"Didn't you two not know? You can not see it while it is awake. We all have our keepers, you see. I gave a very good performance. Yes, it was satisfied. Doesn't care why I do what I do, as long as I do it, as long as you are dead."
	-- Londo and Sheridan in Babylon 5:"War Without End #2"
"My life is almost over. My world, all I hoped for, gone. You two are my last chance, for this place, for my people, for my own redemption. There is a ship, hidden behind the palace, my guard will take you there. In exchange for your lives, all I ask is that you and your allies help to free my people. I can do nothing more for them."
	-- Londo to Sheridan & Delenn in Babylon 5:"War Without End #2"
"We have unfinished business between us, G'Kar. Let us make an end of it, quickly, before it stops me. I am as tired of my life as you are."
	-- Londo to G'Kar in Babylon 5:"War Without End #2"
"He's quite mad, you know. He actually thinks that Sheridan is going to materialize in there."
"Marcus, we are stealing a station to fight in a war that was almost a thousand years ago. We are all mad."
	-- Marcus and Ivanova in Babylon 5:"War Without End #2"
"No one ever listens to Zathras. Quite mad, they say. It is good that Zathras does not mind. He's even grown to like it. Oh yes."
	-- Zathras in Babylon 5:"War Without End #2"
"What happened?"
"Time-device activated prematurely. Not good. Malfunction."
	-- Delenn and Zathras in Babylon 5:"War Without End #2"
"Danger though. Time system is not stable. Very delicate. Must adjust before we try again. Or we come forever lost in time. Very dangerous."
"Great, doesn't anything come under warranty anymore?"
	-- Zathras and Ivanova in Babylon 5:"War Without End #2"
"No. No. No. No-no. Not good. No, no."
"Come on, find what you need and lets get away from here. We are running out of time."
"Can not run out of time, there is infinite time. You are finite, Zathras is finite. This is wrong tool. No. No. Not good. No. No. Never use this."
	-- Zathras and Ivanova in Babylon 5:"War Without End #2"
"Observation Dome: Unauthorized persons in the OBS DOME will be forcibly removed from this sector."
	-- Sign outside Babylon 4 C&C in Babylon 5:"War Without End #2"
"This isn't my stabilizer. There's no sign of damage. Someone must have put this on me, switch places."
"But if you are here, then who's running around out there in the blue suit?"
	-- Marcus and Sheridan in Babylon 5:"War Without End #2"
"Go now, leave me."
"I can't."
"Go. You must. Listen to Zathras. You have a destiny. Go, please. Go for Zathras."
	-- Zathras and past Sinclair in Babylon 5:"War Without End #2"
"Babylon 4 to Garibaldi. Babylon 4 to shuttle one. Garibaldi, do you read me? Watch your back, Michael, watch your back."
"Target is outside of communication range. Unable to make contact."
	-- Sinclair and Computer in Babylon 5:"War Without End #2"
"I tried. I tried to warn them. But it all happened, just the way I remembered."
"I know. It's time. We have to go. They are waiting for us."
	-- Sinclair and Delenn in Babylon 5:"War Without End #2"
"Zathras, something I don't understand. You said you follow the one, but the one you pointed to was .."
"Was Delenn. Hehe, yes, Zathras knew. Zathras is oldest living caretaker of great machine, 110 years old. Zathras has studied the great machine, knows things even Draal does not know yet. And I know you [Sinclair]. And I know you [Delenn]. And I know you [Sheridan]. All Minbari belief is around three. Three castes, worker, warrior, religious. Three languages, Light, Dark, Grey. The Nine of the Grey Council, three times three. All is three. As you are three. As you are one. As you are the One. You are the one who was [Sinclair]. You are the one who is [Delenn]. You are the one who will be [Sheridan]. You are the beginning of the story, and the middle of the story, and the end of the story. That creates the next great story. Ah, in your heart, you know what Zathras says is true. Go now, Zathras' place is with the one who was. We have a destiny."
	-- Sinclair and Zathras in Babylon 5:"War Without End #2"
"Yes. That door is closed forever. And it is not the only one. Lennier told you that a thousand years ago, human and Minbari souls begun to merge. Minbari souls were being born in human bodies. Something happened that opened that door between us. My change was in part to even the scales and restore balance between our races, using the device my people discovered a thousand years ago. You see, if my people had found Babylon 4 with a human aboard, they would never have accepted it."
	-- Delenn to Sheridan in Babylon 5:"War Without End #2"
"Dear God, a Minbari not born of Minbari."
	-- Marcus in Babylon 5:"War Without End #2"
"I welcome you and present this place to you as a gift. I am called Valen, and we have much work ahead of us."
	-- Valen to two Minbari in Babylon 5:"War Without End #2"

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Compiled by a1bert@iki.fi
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