"A Race Through Dark Places"

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"You were raised by the Corp, clothed by the Corp. We are your father and your mother."
	-- Bester in Babylon 5:"A Race Through Dark Places"
"Are you sure you know what you are doing?"
"Absolutely. Those paper pushers back home probably figured that since I'm new here, I'll go along with the whole rent idea, just to make everybody happy. That's how it starts, believe me. They nibble a little bit here, little bit there. Next thing you know you are not even in charge of your own command anymore."
"No taxation without representation. Get me liberty or get me death!"
"Abso-fraggin-lutely. A bunch of .. butt-scratching, hand-wringing, penny-pinching, lets-stick-it-to-the-new-guy pin-heads, all of them. 30 credits a week! I say let them cut back on those expense-account lunches, then come talk to me, right?"
	-- Franklin and Sheridan in Babylon 5:"A Race Through Dark Places"
"We do not have cats on Minbar, we have gogs."
"Gogs. Such creatures are an attempt by the universe to make sure that we never take ourselves too seriously."
	-- Delenn and Sheridan in Babylon 5:"A Race Through Dark Places"
"We believe that no race can be truly intelligent without laughter."
	-- Delenn to Sheridan in Babylon 5:"A Race Through Dark Places"
"Mary had a little lamb"
"her fleece was white as snow"
"and everywhere that Mary went"
"the lamb was sure to go."
	-- Rogue Telepaths in Babylon 5:"A Race Through Dark Places"
"I heard a good one today. How many Minbari does it take to screw in a lightbulb?"
"I don't know, sir. How many Minbari does it take to screw in a lightbulb?"
"None. They always surrender right before they finish the job and they never tell you why."
	-- Sheridan and Ivanova in Babylon 5:"A Race Through Dark Places"
"Knock, knock."
"Who's there?"
"Kosh who?"
	-- Sheridan and Ivanova in Babylon 5:"A Race Through Dark Places"
"Then what are you saying?"
"I'm not saying what I'm saying. I'm not saying what I'm thinking. As a matter of fact, I'm not thinking what I'm thinking. There's only one thing in my mind right now."
"What's that?"
"I need a drink."
	-- Dr.Franklin and Sheridan in Babylon 5:"A Race Through Dark Places"
"You are more than you think you are."
"Then what am I?"
"The future."
	-- Lurker and Winters in Babylon 5:"A Race Through Dark Places"
"Item two. You snore."
"No, I don't."
"Yes, you do."
"No, I don't."
"Captain, either you snore or last night we had a hell of a breach in the hull."
	-- Ivanova and Sheridan in Babylon 5:"A Race Through Dark Places"
"They gave in?"
"Ahem, no."
"You gave in?"
"Not exactly. I'm deducting 60 credits per week from the budget set aside to maintaining combat readyness and applying it against the rent."
"On what grounds?"
"On the grounds that I'm not ready to fight anybody until I've had a decent nights sleep in my own damn bed. You got a problem with that?"
"No, none whatsoever. I rather like the idea of Earth Central paying rent to itself. There's a certain symmetry."
	-- Ivanova and Sheridan in Babylon 5:"A Race Through Dark Places"

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Compiled by a1bert@iki.fi
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