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Operating System Software Installation
BOAR operating system installation proceeds in two parts:
- EPROM programming
- Software uploading into EEPROM
EPROM Programming
The BOAR operating system software which is installed into the EPROM
comes in one file called exec, which is in a.out format. The
corresponding raw data file is called
Because BOAR uses two 8-bit EPROM chips, this data is split into
two files called exec.even and
These files contain the more significant and less significant
bytes, respectively. Because of the big-endian architecture,
more significant word halves reside in even addresses, but
connect to the top halve of the databus.
Preparing the EEPROM
The code in the EPROM chip contains a Flash EEPROM filesystem,
a device called ROM:. Initially it contains nothing
and must be formatted before you can install software on it.
Use the format command in the shell to format the rom-disk.
A number of programs are included in the EPROM:
- shell-seg
- A text-based user interface, a shell
- aux-handler
- A handler that performs the communication through the serial port
- nil
- A great void that eats everything thrown at it (NIL:)
- ram
- A handler for ramdisk (RAM:)
- rom
- A handler for romdisk (ROM:)
- sx
- Send X/Y-modem(-batch) program for file transfer
- rx
- Receive X/Y-modem(-batch) program for file transfer
Uploading the Software
A number of programs should be uploaded to the ROM-disk.
- rom:xil/xilscript.b68k
- Emulation script interpreter.
- rom:xil/clockx_001.bit
- Default data feeder configuration for clock Xilinx
- rom:xil/xilbitcat.b68k
- Concatenates .bit-files into one
- rom:c/tetris
- The first and best BOAR application program.
- rom:c/dates
- Clock setting and getting program.
- rom:s/shell-startup
- A startup-script used by the shell each time it is started.
- An example rom:s/shell-startup
set TIMEZONE +0300
set term vt100
alias cp copy
alias mv rename
alias df info
alias dir "ls -lg"
alias l ls
alias cat type
alias more type
assign c: rom:c
assign s: rom:s
c:dates set0
path rom:xil rom:fortune rom:c
cd ram: